Καρδιαγγειακές παθήσεις: Υιοθετήστε νέο μοντέλο ζωής

«Καλύτερα να προλαβαίνεις την ισορροπία της υγείας σου, παρά να θεραπεύεις την αρρώστιά σου», Ιπποκράτης. Της Δρ. Ματίνας Χρονοπούλου

Matina Chronopoulou talks about the Revival of Natural Medicine

Marilyn Harding was invited to visit the village of Kremasti in the heart of the Hellenic Republic in Lakonia by educator & naturopath Matina Chronopoulou. The native villagers here live to be well over 90 and 100 years old without once having been to a modern doctor. The remarkable thing about this particular village areContinue reading “Matina Chronopoulou talks about the Revival of Natural Medicine”

Global Naturopathy
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