Dr Matina Chronopoulou

Dr Chronopolou is a practicing Naturopathic Doctor, Homeopath, Acupuncturist, and Bioresonance Therapist.

Brief Bio

Dr Chronopolou is a practicing Naturopathic Doctor, Homeopath, Acupuncturist, and Bioresonance Therapist. She has been involved with natural therapies since the late 70s. Since 1995, she has run the Centre for Natural Medicine and Acupuncture, in Athens Greece, focusing on naturopathic therapeutics, nutritional medicine, lifestyle modification, botanical medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, flower essences, and energy medicine.

She is in private practice, lectures and teaches, specializing in educational workshops and seminars for professionals. She also shares her knowledge on the traditional Mediterranean healing diet, herbal walks and herbal retreats in the Greek countryside. She has presented scientific papers around the world and has contributed regular articles to natural health magazines, newspapers, television and radio talk programs over the past twenty five years. Most recently, she is a columnist for the Huffington Post.





Bioresonance Treatments

Additional Information

Matina Chronopoulou was born in 1951 in Sparta, Greece. In 1962, she immigrated to the United States.

  • Graduate of John Jay High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1969
  • Brooklyn College, Associate in Arts Degree, 1971, Bachelor of A.A.
  • Undergraduate Studies: Southwest Florida College, Naples, Fla., U.S.A. – B.Sc., 1974
  • American Health Science Institute, Texas, U.S.A. Diploma in Nutritional Health Science, Bachelor of Nutritional Science 1978.
  • National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Oregon. 1982.
  • She completed her education at the College of Naturopathic and Complementary Medicine in England. Postgraduate Diploma, N.D. 2006

Driven by her love of nutrition and treatment for the prevention of diseases through healthy eating she obtained a second degree in Natural Nutritional Therapeutics Diploma from the International School of Natural Medicine in England in 1986.

  • Completed four years of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and graduated in 2000, from the College of Oriental Medicine in England. Acquired Lic. Dip. Master Ac., TCM.
  • Medicina Alternativa, Open International University for Complimentrary Medicine– PhD. Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Naturopathy; Doctoral Diploma – Doctoral dissertation title: Treating depression and anxiety with Naturopathic Medicine.

She studied Homeopathy at the College of Naturopathic and Complementary Medicine in London and graduated after three years of training in 2008. Dip. Homeopathy.

Completed the following internship programs:

Dr. Stanley Bass, D.C., N.D. , Ph.D. – Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA – Nutrition Research

Dr. Herbert Shelton, San Antonio, Texas – Dr. Shelton’s Health School, School of PhysicalMedicine

Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C. – Hidden Valley Health Ranch, Escondido California – Nutritional Therapy and Iridology

Ann Wigmore Institute, Boston, Mass, Puerto Rico – The Living Foods Lifestyle – Nutrition of enzymes (of living foods) –

Gerson Institute, Sedona, Arizona – Meridian Hospital, Tijuana Mexico – Gerson Therapy Practitioner Training – Gerson Program, practice and training, and clinical experience from contact with a very large number of patients, mainly cancer patients and people with chronic conditions

Dr. Roy Ozanne, M.D., H.M.D., Nutrition Specialist in the Principles of Dr. Weston A. Price. Founder of Whole Health Programs and Sandhill School of the Healing Arts – Education and practice of patients for the improvement of health, with individual programs of nutrition and physical therapy, Healthy Cooking and Homeopathic Medicine.

Studied Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine to bring another dimension to therapeutic results by the individualizing of each person’s needs – (from vitamins, trace elements and other orthomolecular elements, etc.)

Apart from her internship, she has worked at Shangrila Health Spa and Resort, Bonita Springs Florida, educating people on nutrition & health and cognitive behavior modification and patient nutrition education.

She is currently Director of the Naturopathy and Complementary Medicine programme, and a Council Member at Warnborough College Ireland.

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